Raskin statement on Selahattin Demirtaş’ hospitalization
Europe’s human rights court calls for release of Turkish businessman

Demirtaş’s health and the tragedy of sick prisoners


The severe violations of sick prisoners rights are against the law and contradict with international agreements Turkey partakes in. Human right advocates accuse the government of being unwilling to address these problems and point to the The European Council, which remains silent.

News on the health of former co-chair of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Selahattin Demirtaş caused a stir on Monday. Last week, the jailed opposition politician allegedly lost consciousness for a few minutes due to chest tightness and an inability to breathe. The deployment of first aid was delayed.

While Demirtaş’s lawyers and visitors announced he was in good shape, they also said his “condition” had worsned in prison as he suffered 20 such attacks in the past three years. What Demirtaş suffers from remains unclear. After his aides publicized the scandal, the Ministry of Justice for the first time allowed the politician to consult several specialists. HDP MP Erol Katırcıoğlu, who visited him, told me on the phone that due to “high security” regulations, a hospital needs to be completely cleared in oder to perform medical treatment on Demirtaş. But the Ministry was reluctant to do so.

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