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A “Turkey Tribunal” has been established under the initiative of Belgian-based law firm Van Steenbrugge Advocaten (VSA) to adjudicate recent human rights violations in Turkey including torture, abductions, shortcomings in freedom of the press, freedom of expression and the right to a fair trial.

The Turkey Tribunal will be held in Geneva between September 21 and 25, 2020.

“In recent years, human rights violations have increasingly been reported in Turkey. Various international bodies and courts have confirmed this, sometimes even in very sharp terms. That is why we have taken the initiative to set up a ‘Turkey Tribunal.’ The tribunal is not a legally binding body. But the ruling of the tribunal will have high moral authority,” the tribunal said in a statement.

“All documents, the testimonials and the verdict of the judges will be published in full transparency …” the statement added.

The Turkey Tribunal, registered as a not-for profit organization in Brussels, consists of the initiative takers, the steering committee, the tribunal, executive staff and reporters and will be financed through crowdfunding.

The initiative taker, VSA, has handled various cases for Turkish citizens including the case of Ismet Özçelik and Turgay Karaman before the UN Human Rights Committee, inter alia, on the grounds of kidnapping and unlawful deprivation of liberty (CCPR/C/125/D/2980/2017, March 2019).

The initiative is being coordinated by Prof. Dr. Johan Vande Lanotte, a professor at the University of Ghent who at the end of the 1980s was one of the first in Belgium’s Flanders region to give a full-fledged human rights course.

The judges of the Turkey Tribunal are Prof. Em. Dr. Françoise Barones Tulkens (Belgium), former judge and vice president of the European Court of Human Rights; Justice Johann van der Westhuizen (South Africa), former judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa; Adj. Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Abi-Mershed (USA), former deputy executive secretary of the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights; Prof. Em. Dr. Giorgio Malinverni (Switzerland), former member of the Venice Commission and judge at the European Court of Human Rights; Prof. Ledi Bianku (Albania), former member of the Venice Commission and judge at the European Court of Human Rights; Dr. John Pace (Australia), former chief of the Human Rights Office of the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq and secretary to the Commission on Human Rights from 1978 to 1994.

Several prominent human rights experts and organizations will serve as reporters and provide the Turkey Tribunal with reports. The group comprises Eric Sottas (Switzerland), former secretary-general of the World Organization against Torture (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Johan Vande Lanotte); Prof. Dr. Yves Haeck (Belgium), professor at the University of Ghent and Dr. Emre Turkut (Turkey); the Lawyers Collective (Turkey); Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı (Turkey), former head of the Istanbul Council of Forensic Medicine and currently president of the Human Rights Foundation; the Ankara Bar Association (Turkey) and Johan Heymans, a human rights lawyer; and Philippe Leruth (Belgium), former president of the international Federation of Journalists.

The group will report on torture, impunity, legal aid, medical assistance for people in prison or in custody, forced disappearances, freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

Em. Prof. Dr. Marc baron Bossuyt, former president of the Constitutional Court of Belgium and president of the UN Commission on Human Rights, will serve as president of the steering committee. The committee will also include Jan De Bock, former Belgian ambassador to the United Nations and the European Union; Christine Mussche, attorney at law in criminal cases; Prof. Dr. Rik Van de Walle, rector of the University of Ghent; and Prof. Dr. Caroline Pauwels, rector of the University of Brussels.

According to the statement, during its sessions in Geneva between September 21 and 25, 2020 reports will be presented to the tribunal. The judges will ask questions to the rapporteurs. Witnesses will also be heard. The Turkish government will be given the opportunity to answer for itself. The reports will be published on the website a few weeks before the tribunal starts. The hearings of the tribunal will be streamed live. On the last day of the tribunal, the tribunal will announce its verdict, which will also be published on the website.

Turkey has been experiencing a backslide in human rights in recent years that has further deteriorated since a failed coup in 2016. Turkey was ranked first in the number of violations of the European Convention on Human Rights in the 60-year history of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

Turkey Tribunal

20. 10. 2022 DONNERSTAG


Auf der Suche nach dem echten Leben, seiner Armut, seinem Lärm und seiner Pracht, schweift Aslı Erdoğans literarisches Ich durch die Welt. Die Spur führt in eine ebenso reiche wie verwüstete Seelenlandschaft, in den Kindheitswald und nicht zuletzt in die verwinkelten Gassen der Stadt Istanbul.

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14:00 Uhr

21. 10. 2022 FREITAG

Nedim Türfent: Über Mauern

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11:30 Uhr

Can Dündar: Dağcılar - Atilla Keskin

„Dağcılar“, das neue Buch von Can Dündar, basiert auf den Erinnerungen von Atilla Keskin, einer führenden Figur der 68er-Bewegung in der Türkei und der Volksbefreiungsarmee der Türkei, einer revolutionären Organisation der damaligen Zeit. „Dağcılar“ ist nicht nur das Narrativ eines Revolutionärs, der sein Leben für seine Ideale geopfert hat, sondern auch der Generation, die für ihren Glauben den Tod riskierte.

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14:00 Uhr

Mehmet Akbulut: Alles für den Menschen

Ein Jahr lang schrieb Mehmet Akbulut gemeinsam mit Tuncay Kalaycı und Atilla Keskin an dem zweisprachig herausgegebenen Buch „Her şey insan için - Alles für den Menschen“, das einen Blick in das Leben und in die Arbeit von Mehmet Akbulut und Menschen in der Migration gibt.

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13:00 Uhr

İskan Tolun im Gespräch mit Çiler Fırtına

İskan Tolun schafft es mit „Verdammnis“ unterschwellig die Auswirkungen der Völkermorde von 1915 und Dersim 1937/38 sowie das Pogrom vom 6.-7. September 1955 in Istanbul aufzuspüren.

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15:00 Uhr

22. 10. 2022 SAMSTAG

Vielfältige Perspektiven auf Migration und Freiheiten in Deutschland und Europa

Yiğit Aksakaloğlu, Aktivist im Exil in Europa, Pınar Şenoğuz, DaMigra Düsseldorf und Mitglied der Wissenschaftlerinnen für den Frieden, Rezan Aksoy, Theaterkünstler und Aktivist im Exil in Berlin, im Gespräch mit Aslı Telli

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11:30 Uhr

60. Jahr der Migration nach Deutschland/Podcast als neues Medium

Fulya Cansen, WDR Journalistin und Podcasterin im Gespräch mit Aslı Telli

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14:00 Uhr

„Advancing the state of the art in academic freedom debates in Europe through the insight of exiled scholars“

Florian Kohstall, Mitherausgeber des Buches „Academics in Exile“ im Gespräch mit Aslı Telli, Co-Autorin

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16:00 Uhr

23. 10. 2022 SONNTAG

Orhan Çelik im Gespräch mit Tevfik Turan

Çeliks Romane handeln vom harten Leben der kurdischen Bauern am Berg Ararat. Die Migration in die Großstädte und nach Europa konfrontiert diese Menschen mit neuen Herausforderungen, aber auch die Literatur über sie und in ihrer Sprache.

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11:30 Uhr

Susanne Schneehorst im Gespräch mit Tevfik Turan

Susanne Schneehorst, ehemalige Leiterin der Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg/Interkulturelle Angebote und Veranstalterin der Türkisch-Deutschen Literaturtage Nürnberg, beobachtet aus nächster Nähe das Leseverhalten der Migrantinnen und Migranten aus der Türkei sowie ihrer Kinder.

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14:00 Uhr

Das Team vom Ruffel berichtet von seiner Verleger- und Übersetzerarbeit

Das Ehepaar Turan betreibt seit 1999 einen Verlag, der Belletristik sowie Sachbücher zu zweisprachiger Erziehung und türkischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Sie berichten von ihrer Arbeit am Verlag, zu dem auch die zweiköpfige Tätigkeit an Übersetzungen Türkisch/Deutsch gehört. Christina Tremmel-Turan und Tevfik Turan, Verlag auf dem Ruffel, im Gespräch über ihre Arbeit als Übersetzer- und Verlegerteam

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16:00 Uhr


‘Turkey Tribunal’ established

A “Turkey Tribunal” has been established under the initiative of Belgian-based law firm Van Steenbrugge Advocaten (VSA) to adjudicate recent human rights violations in Turkey including […]